Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have learnt that diversity is beautiful and without diversity, every thing would be very dull and boring.
No two person are the same in their personality and behavior .
I learnt that everyone is  different and does thing differently.

I enjoyed the video and the topic about food from other countries.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2 : Tower Building

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

  Today was the first day i spent at my new secondary school SST. I have found out about the 3 R's and  Mac Attack which were quite interesting. I have learnt about fulfilling my Roles , about not crossing the boundary of my Rights and about my Responsibility which all will help my life and a lot more about my new schoolmates and classmates. At first, I chose to come to SST as the new way of learning made me want to come to this school to experience the different type of learning. I hope that next time, i am able to contribute back to my school by joining certain programs like PSL and helping other people who are going to go through what i have gone through so I can guide them by telling them about my experiences.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wishes on a Wall

I find wall wisher useful as we can post our thoughts and people can post what they think about the matter and we can hear all the different opinions and thoughts. I find that it is not really good that wall wisher only allows 160 characters in 1 post as if we have more than that we have to post on another post. we could use this to ask for different opinions about certain matters so we have many angles to work on